December 25 ~ Friday

Merry Christmas!!!
Everyone got up early (for us) and opened presents.
We watched the Disney parade followed by A Christmas Story.
Chris and the kids came over around 11 and they opened gifts and we all visited for several hours.
I started dinner about 2:30 and cooked 2 roast chickens, stuffing, potatoes au gratin and green bean casserole. We ate about 4:30 and watched some more of the on going NCIS marathon.
Tonight we finished up the last 2 hours of Childhoods End.

December 24 ~ Thursday

This morning Jeff dropped me off at Walmart while he went up to Author's and paid some of the rent.
I bought some last minute gifts and food for tomorrow.
At home I baked the last of the holiday yummies before the grandkids came over around 3:30.
We watched The Muppet Movie and made gingerbread houses.
After they went home we watched more NCIS and then Scrooged while I wrapped presents in the living room.
Tonight we continued watching Childhood's End.

December 21 ~ Monday

Last couple of days have been spent baking cookies, fudge, dream bars, snowballs and all kinds of goodies while watching NCIS marathons.
Two days ago Katherine and I went out shopping and found a great tree at the Safeway tree lot.
Last night she and I sat up by ourselves after everyone else went to bed and watched "It's a Wonderful Life" while drinking Hot Cocoa.
Today we decorated the tree to the best of our ability with ornaments that Mario can't break.
Tonight Jeff and I started watching Childhood's End.

December 12 ~ Saturday

Today I went to the Goodwill for the first time in a long time.
I got a pair of jeans, a couple of shirts and really great soft sided cat carrier for really cheap.
This afternoon I spent the time decorating for Christmas.
I set up the advent calendars that I sorted out last night while watching an NCIS marathon
and then got the village set up and plugged in.
I put both on the large photo shelf in the dining room.
While I was doing that Jeff and I watched Star Trek V & Star Trek VI.
In the evening we continued watching the last season of Haven.

December 4 ~~ Saturday

Jeff and I went out this morning and went to the post office, bank and Safeway.
At home I listed some stuff and Katherine watched a few "Bar Rescues".
Then Jeff & I watched "Edge of Tomorrow" with Tom Cruise followed by Galaxy Quest.
After I went back to listing, Jeff watched some Next Gen then Katherine finished watching Tangled.
In the early evening we watched some of It's a Wonderful Life.
Tonight we are continued watching the last season of Haven.

After a tough morning helping with the dishes, Bub passed out from the effort.
 Because he has a bad habit of peeing on everything (and ME!) we found him a really good home.

November 30 ~ Monday

Happy 15th birthday Jeffrey!!!
Homemade cake!!

November 26 ~~ Thursday

Happy Thanksgiving!!
Woke up early and started cooking right away.
First made a pie, then put the turkey in. Katherine and I cleaned up the dining room and living room.
Katherine moved the desk around because she thought it looked better. We watched the Macy's parade while I cooked.
Jeff woke up way too early so he took a nap mid day.
Turkey was ready about 2:30 so the 4 of us sat down and had a nice dinner.
After dinner Jeff and I watched an MST3K on his computer in the office (they were having a Youtube marathon). It was called Teenagers from Outer Space and it had giant lobsters attacking the earth.
Later in the afternoon we watched a "Rehab Addict" marathon where they were refurbing this gorgeous mansion with a turret in Detroit.
Chris came over and brought Taylin (Jamie stayed at her brothers house with Damon). We had a nice visit.
At night Jeff and I watched Elementary.

Mario enjoyed watching the Macy's parade... sitting right in front of the TV.

November 15 ~ Sunday

Jones spends some time grooming.

October 31 ~ Saturday

Happy Halloween!!

Jeff spent the better part of today working.
I spent some time going through boxes of kids paperwork trying to organize them.
I also watched an all day NCIS marathon which included at least 6 Halloween themed episodes.
Katherine went with Jamie and the kids to a party in the late afternoon.
Jeff got home and he and I went up to the market to get some food and some candy for Jeffrey since he didn't go trick or treating.
When we got back we continued watching NCIS until 7 then watched the Simpsons Treehouse of Horror.
After that was over we started watching BBC's London Theater's live version of Rocky Horror Picture Show.
I recorded it so I could finish watching it tomorrow.

October 26 ~ Monday

Went outside to watch the ISS (space station) fly overhead 
and was greeted with a fabulous full Hunter's moon.
Of course the picture does not do it justice.

October 24 ~ Saturday

This is Bub.
He showed up outside and we took him.
(He has a bit of deformity to his face which makes him look like a little alien).

This is right after the boys were pulled out of the fireplace

October 18 ~ Sunday

Copycats cats watching me make dinner:

October 16 ~ Friday

We had a big dust storm today.

September 29 ~ Tuesday

Jeff trained again today.
I drove him to work then went and picked him for lunch and we got some tacos at Taco Bell.
I came home and worked while he continued training at the Moose Lodge.
When I picked him up we went to the post office, Walmart and then the Dollar Tree.
At home he packed and I worked on the computer.
We watched the season premiere of NCIS tonight.

September 28 ~ Monday

Today Jeff started training for the Census job.
I spent the morning cleaning the dining room then listing.
In the afternoon, while I was working on the computer and after Katherine and I made a Wal Mart run, she spent time in the living room watching Catfish, her new reality show obsession.
In the evening Jeff and I watched Fear the Walking Dead.