May 22 ~ Friday

Today was Damons graduation from Kindergarten:

May 21 ~ Thursday

Today Katherine and I made it to one Dollar Day at the closer Goodwill.
I bought a few things then we went to Walmart to pick up some packing stuff for Jeff then home.
I listed some Pokemon cels, Jeff packed and shipped and later on we watched "Kick Ass" a movie that was more enjoyable than I expected.
The kids went to the park for awhile then in the evening we all went outside and worked on cleaning up the weeds in the backyard.
When they weren't complaining about how hard it was, they had a good time.
The weather is really nice tonight, nice warm breeze.
Tonight we watched The Returned.

Jones & Leo watching from inside:

May 17 ~ Sunday

On this anniversary of the Mt Helen's Eruption, I give you this picture I took from the plane on the way home from Seattle last week.



May 10 ~ Sunday

Spent this Mother's Day relaxing and watching TV.
Jeff and I watched 2 or 3 episodes of a BBC Origins of Science Fiction show which included aliens and Time Travel.
Then we watched Terminator 3, Rise of the Machines.
Talked to Sarah, Em and Alex on the phone. Chris came by last night and brought me a mini rose plant.
Tonight we watched

May 6 ~ Wednesday

This morning we woke up, Em made coffee then she and Candice headed off to school.
Jeff and I sat around relaxing and watching Netflix.
After they got home and we ate lunch we headed out to Olympia and drove around and looked at the beautiful surroundings.
When we got back we had dinner and then played Apples to Apples (the trendy version) and then watched a comedy special with Russell Brand, A Messiah Complex.
It was a lot of fun.
Off to bed!

May 5 ~ Tuesday

Off to Washington today!
We drove out to the airport early, found the parking lot we had a discount for and went through security with no problems.
We got a row to ourselves on the first flight to San Jose, then didn't have to get off the plane and after moving closer to the front while they unloaded and reloaded passengers we got a row to ourselves again.
I started reading Notorious Nineteen with Stephanie Plum. I haven't read these books in years and I was SO glad to get started again.
We got to Seattle without incident and Em and Candice picked us and we went back to their apartment.
As soon as we got there we had to turn around and head out again because Em had an "open mic" night at a little coffee shop nearby.
We had a great time. We got hot chocolates (which were SO good) and it started raining while we were inside sitting by the fireplace and then it started hailing.
Em sang 3 songs and I loved them all, especially the first one.
We went back the apartment afterwards and we sat around and talked for awhile before we all went to bed.

On the plane:

Em Singing: