September 29 ~ Tuesday

Jeff trained again today.
I drove him to work then went and picked him for lunch and we got some tacos at Taco Bell.
I came home and worked while he continued training at the Moose Lodge.
When I picked him up we went to the post office, Walmart and then the Dollar Tree.
At home he packed and I worked on the computer.
We watched the season premiere of NCIS tonight.

September 28 ~ Monday

Today Jeff started training for the Census job.
I spent the morning cleaning the dining room then listing.
In the afternoon, while I was working on the computer and after Katherine and I made a Wal Mart run, she spent time in the living room watching Catfish, her new reality show obsession.
In the evening Jeff and I watched Fear the Walking Dead.

September 27 ~ Sunday

Watched John of Mars today.
Then went to Walmart with Katherine to get snacks for the week.
At home Jeff watched Hellboy and then The Book of Eli.
There was a full eclipse tonight and it was really cool to see it.

Sept 15 ~ Tuesday

Mario gets acquainted with Jones and joins Katherine while she does schoolwork.

Sept 14 ~ Monday

We had a storm today and it produced some gorgeous skies:

Sept 8 ~ Tuesday

It's been so hot and Kitten loves water so much she fell asleep like this:

Sept 7 ~ Monday

This is what happens when I take candid pictures of J & K.

September 1 ~ Tuesday

 Leo & Jones on Ginger Cat Appreciation Day