April 7 ~ Tuesday

Dentist week.
Yesterday I had a dentist appt to get an idea of what problems I have going on.
Pretty much as I thought.. several not so good problems but I was shocked and delighted to find out that I was given $3000 credit so I can start to get the painful tings taken care of.
Then today both kids had their first dental appt in years.
Both had cavities though none were serious. Thanks to the state health insurance we have all of their work is covered for free. You should see how well they are now taking care of their teeth.
The kids were working on an interesting art project for school where they took a picture of an empty area in the neighborhood and are designing something to put there.
Katherine is putting a park in her space and Jeffrey is putting a skate park in his.
We binge watched Cops today in between working.
Katherine was fascinated about how bad things can be for some people.
Tonight we watched NCIS.